My Turn

business marriage Jun 03, 2019


Keri has been writing these blogs and sharing with many of you how to navigate the tricky waters of small business ownership for some time now. And I can guarantee she knows what she’s talking about, because she has been the backbone of our business success.

For the past 13 years, I have been out front in our business and that makes me more visible and susceptible to glory and blame. As most entrepreneurs will tell you, we go to bed at night worried about something, whether it be money, attracting clients, retaining clients, hiring staff, expanding, competition or the many other things a business owner must keep track of. Fortunately for me, I have not had to shoulder this on my own.

Keri knows most of my pain, but even when she doesn’t know, having her by my side to educate, inspire and comfort me, gives me the courage to tackle the hurdles in front of me and to believe in what’s to come in the future.

He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord,   Proverbs 18:22

This verse sums it up for me. I have had the support of one person -- my wife, friend and business partner -- for the past 20 years. Together, we have come a long way. I had no idea had to start a grow or business, and frankly neither did Keri, but she figured it out. When I was scared, she encouraged me. When I was elated, she celebrated, yet still kept me humble. When I was hesitant, she whispered in my ear “go.”

So what is success in business? Of course it’s money and freedom, but it’s also serving people who need or want what you have. It’s sharing.

Being married to the right person should propel any person to tremendous success in whatever they aspire to do. Knowing that whether you win or lose, you have a support network is a tremendous advantage. Yes, she knows that I’m doing all of this for her and the kids, which may make it “easier” to accept and be supportive of, but nothing about marriage, family or business is never really easy. My marriage and the person who loves me almost unconditionally allows me to dream big and do big. Many great entrepreneurs have said the same thing. If you are really thinking about excelling in business, know that being in a stable and loving relationship is critical to your ascension. It has been for me and I believe it will be for you too.


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